Master of Education, Ph. D in Education, Diploma in Educational and Vocational Guidance, Diploma in Distance Education, UGC-NET in Education.
Prof. Anil Kumar K. holds Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Education. He has also done the Diploma in Educational and Vocational Guidance (EVG) from the NCERT, New Delhi and the Diploma in Distance Education from the IGNOU, New Delhi. Dr. Anil Kumar is presently working as Professor of Education at the NCERT, and posted at the Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Mysuru. He is also the in-charge of the Academic Section at RIE, Mysuru. He has got rich experiences in the field of education through the association with the national level organizations such as: the NCERT, NUEPA and IGNOU, New Delhi. He has authored 3 books and published more than 30 research papers/articles in the reputed International and National Journals. He has visited the Countries like Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam for presenting papers in the International Conferences. He was the coordinator for the International Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling (IDGC) offered by the NCERT, New Delhi in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning (CoL), Canada at RIE, Mysore Centre and presently the coordinator for the Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling (DCGC). He is an approved guide of the University of Mysore and 8 Research scholars have been awarded with their Ph. D Degree in Education and 5 more scholars are pursuing their research under his guidance. He has been the Adjudicator for many Ph.D Theses in Education. He has the experience of conducting a numbers of Conference and Seminars and also acted as the chairperson and key speaker for a large number of National Seminars/Conferences in the field of education and allied areas. His areas of interest includes: Teacher Education; Guidance and Counselling and Learner Assessment and Evaluation.