The Computer Application Laboratory is very important and nodal faculty developed in DESM. It allows free access to faculties and students of Institute and encourage them to acquaint themselves with the latest in Information Technology. Besides the usual features, the laboratory has access to Internet, Email, Multimedia software, etc. It has a large collection of educational software, mainly in the Multimedia CD-ROM format. At present the facility is being used for:
1. Pre-service training of M.Sc.Ed., B.Sc.B.Ed., B.A.B.Ed., and B.Ed. students as part of their Computer Awareness course.
2. In-service programmes for teacher, teacher-educators and other educational functionaries.
3. On-the-job training of academic resource staff and administrative support staff.
4. Development/refinement of application software for internal use.
5. Design and development of educational software.
The resource staff of the lab include several members who have undergone training courses in UK and others with the requisite background, experience and in-house training. Regular two week in-service training programmes on computer fundamentals and data processing in expected to be an integral part of the activities of the Computer Application Lab. The target group will include the staff of DIETs, CTEs, SCERT, etc. Programmes of this type are much in demand from all the states in the region.