Through Campus placement activity, the Institute provides opportunity both to employing organisations as well as young professional aspirants. A large number of schools visit the campus every year and recruit eligible students from the campus. The number of students placed through campus recruitment activity is increasing every year. In the last couple of years the Institute is able to provide 100% campus placement to its students though some of them prefer to go for higher studies.
The organizations interested in recruiting teachers will have to write to the Principal by December every year and they will be communicated regarding the expectations of the Institute and the dates of campus recruitment. The placement event will normally be held in the month of March ever year.
The Regional Institute of Education, Mysuru (Formerly Regional College of Education) founded on 1st August, 1963, is one of five such institutions established by the National Council of Education Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi. The other Institutes are located at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar and Shillong. The Regional Institutes were started with main the objective of qualitative improvement of school education through innovative pre-service and in-service teacher training programmes and relevant research, development and extension activities.
The Regional Institute of Education, Mysuru has established itself as an institute of repute in the area of school and teacher education. The institute has endeavored to shoulder the responsibilities and challenges generated by changes in the educational scenario of the country and the southern region. The Institute has been functioning as Regional Institute of Education since 1995, following a major shift in its focus from pre-service education to in-service education. The pre-service teacher education programmes of the institute are affiliated to the University of Mysuru and cater to the needs of south Indian states namely Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Union Territories of Pondicherry and Lakshadweep. A Demonstration Multipurpose School (DMS) is attached to each RIE at Ajmer, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar and Mysuru as a laboratory for trying out innovative practices in school education and teacher education. These are also used for practical training for the trainees of the institutes (
Since last year, a large number of schools/organizations requested for teacher selection they would like to visit our institute, we may not be able to provide accommodation to all in our campus, however the first come first serve basis we may be able to accommodate a limited number only.
The participating schools are expected to fulfill the minimum criteria of minimum salary,
TGT should be paid Rs. 30,000/- + free accommodation and food or Rs. 35,000/-
PGT should be paid Rs. 35,000/- + free accommodation and food or Rs. 40,000/- for conducting campus selection in RIE, Mysuru.