Sl. No. | Designation | Name | Address | Email Address | Contact Number |
1 | President | Jayakrishnan (JK Nair) (BSc Ed 1967-71 Batch) | 305, Grains of Sand, Yadavgiri Industrial Estate, Mysore - 570 020 |
jknair@aol.in | 9845061748 |
2 | Vice President | Suma Nair (BA Ed 1987-92 Batch ) | 201 D , Prithvi Palace, Lalit Mahal Main Road. Siddhartha Nagar, Mysore - 570 011 |
suma.harishankar0@gmail.com | 9483144208 |
3 | Secretary | Shamanthaka Rajasekhara (B Com Ed 1968-72 Batch) | Panchajanya, First cross, Mission Compound, Shivamogga - 577 201 |
laxmiraja123@gmail.com | 9845588588 |
4 | Joint Secretary | Ganesh Moorthy K (B Sc Ed 1992-96 Batch) | 9-74/3, Sahaj Niwas, Amaravati Nagar, Tirupati - 517502 |
kgmbscedmca@gmail.com | 9642537509 |
5 | Treasurer | Raju MV (BA Ed 1970-74 Batch) | F2, No 11, Swagath Prashantha Nivasa, 8th Cross, Near Prashantha Ganapathi Temple, Prashanthanagara, Bengaluru - 560 079 |
rajumuttusagara@gmail.com | 9620013437 |
Sl. No. | Designation | Name | Address | Email Address | Contact Number |
6 | Chandrasehar C (BA Ed 1966-70 Batch) | chandru7oct@rediffmail.com | 9482222854 | ||
7 | Rajagopal G (BA Ed 1966-70 Batch) | 716, Prashant Nagar, Bogadi Second Stage Mysore - 570026 |
drgrajagopal@gmail.com | 8762029836 | |
8 | Balaji Babu Rao N (BSc Ed. 1992-96 Batch) | Primary teacher, Demonstration Multipurpose School, Regional Institute of Education, Manasagangothri, Mysore - 570 006 |
nelaturibalaji@gmail.com | 90360 92180 | |
9 | Raghava Reddy Y (BA Ed 1985-89 Batch) | Principal, IASE, B Camp, Kurnool -2 |
mailtoraghavareddy@gmail.com | 9000700047 | |
10 | Vasudeva Reddy BO (BSc Ed 1978-82 Batch) | Principal, A.P.R.School of Excellence, 3-205-1, APRS Qrs, Kodigenahalli, H.Sevamandir - 515212 Ananthapuramu Dist., A.P |
vasubo@yahoo.com, vasuryb0@gmail.com | 8919969064 ,9440243322 | |
11 | Sivappa Rasapalli
45 High Street, Westwood, MA, USA 02090. |
12 | S. Sadlapalli (B Ed & MSc Ed 1992-95) | HIndupur, Ananthapur, AP - 515 211 |
srasapalli@umassd.edu | 001 78136 66173 | |
13 | Sripad Krishnamurthy | 29, Sri Krishna Dhama, 5A Cross, Dwarakanagar, Banshankari III Stage, Bangalore - 560 085 |
sripk@adobe.com | 98459 71808 |
For Enrolment as Member in RIEMAA open for all alumni of RCEM/RIEM
Stand Up & Be Counted
An appeal to RCEM/RIEM alumni who're not yet member of Regional Institute of Education Mysore Alumni Association - RIEMAA. Enroll Now...
Membership Options (onetime payment)
Lifetime Membership ₹ 1000 or
Donor Membership ₹ 5000 & more
Payment Details :
SB A/c No : 30718548552
Bank : State Bank of India, Personal Banking Branch, Saraswathipuram, Mysore
IFSC Code : SBIN0004254
MICR Code : 570002008
Personal Data along with the ONE TIME payment details to be passed on to Mr Raju MV, Tresurer Cell No 96200 13437 or any office bearers :
1. Name
2. E-mail id
3. Cell No
4. Landline No
5. Present Address
6. Permanent Address
7. RCEM/RIEM Years From ......To .....
8. Date of birth
9.Degree earned from RCEM/RIEM
10. Wedding Anniversary
11. If the spouse from RCEM/RIEM
12. Your Academic Record & Achievements post RCEM/RIEM
Regards :
JK Nair, President - 98450 61748 - BSc Ed 1967-71
Suma Nair, Vice President - 94831 44208 - BA Ed 1987-92
Shamanthaka R, Secretary - 98455 88588 - B Com Ed 1968-72
Ganesh Moorthy K, Jt Secretary - 96425 37509 - B Sc Ed 1992-96
Raju MV, Treasurer - 96200 13437 - B A Ed. 1970-74
EC Members :
Chandrasekhar C - 94822 22854 - B A Ed 1966-70
Rajogopal G - 87620 29836 - B A Ed. 1966-70
Balaji Babu Rao N - 90360 92180 - BSc Ed. 1992-96
Raghava Reddy Y - 90007 00047 - B A Ed 1985-89
Vasudeva Reddy BO - 89199 69064 & 94402 43322 - B Sc Ed 1978-82
Sripad Krishnamurthy - 98459 71808 - BSc Ed 1984-88
Shivappa R - 00 1 78136 66173 - B Ed & MSc Ed 1992-95
Please share this message in your social media groups also & encourage other RCE/RIE alumni collegues for enrolling as RIEMAA members. All above cell numbers are on whatsApp.
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