For each Regional Institute of Education, the Executive Committee shall, at the time considered appropriate by it,appoint a Managing Committee which shall be responsible for the general supervision of the affairs of the institute within the framework of the Rules and Regulations of the Council, and the directives that may from time to time be issued by the Executive Committee.
The Managing Committee of each Regional Institutes shall be constituted by the Executives Committee keeping in view the requirements of the relevant provisions of the University to which it is affiliated.
The Managing Committee shall have such functions and powers as may be assigned to it by the Executive Committee and as provided under the Regulation. Provided that the Executive Committee may withdraw any or, at one and the same time, all functions and powers from the Managing Committee.
The Managing Committee of a Regional Institute as provided for under Rules 64, 65, 66,67,68 and 69 shall be a standing committee of the Council.
To the extent that it is not repugnant to the provisions of the University to which Regional Institute is affiliated, the Committee shall consist of:
1. The Vice-Chancellor of the University to which the institute is affiliated as the Chairman
2. The Head of the Regional Institute as Vice-Chairman
3. A nominee of the Education Departments of each of the state and union territories of the region as members
4. Two experts nominated by the president as Members
5. Two heads of the departments of the Regional Institute nominated by the Director as Members
6. A nominee of the Director of the Council as Member and such other members as are required to be included By the stipulations of the University to which the Institute Is affiliated.
7. The administrative officer of the Regional Institute shall act as the secretary of the committee
The functions of the managing committee are to advise the council on all matters relating to the affairs of the institute in the sphere of its academic work, and such other matters which should be considered by it in accordance with the stipulations of the university to which the institute is affiliated.
The Managing Committee shall meet at least twice a year and special meetings may be called at any time by the chairman of the committee. The proceedings of the Managing Committee of each Regional Institute shall be placed before the Executive committee and the programme Advisory Committee.