Department of Education in Social Science and Humanities (DESSH)


Dr. Shivanand Chinnappavar, 

Associate Professor & Head, DESSH 

The Department of Education in Social Sciences and Humanities of RIE, Mysuru was established in the year 1966. The department currently offers the B.A. Ed / B.A. B. Ed Intergrated Course for four years which has been one of the prestigious Pre-service Teacher Training courses offered by NCERT for the last five decades. 

The B.A. Ed / B.A. B.Ed course run by the department offers core subjects like English Literarture, Language Studies, History, Geography and Political Science. The department also offers Language courses for B.A. Ed / B.A. B.Ed, B.Sc B.Ed. and M.Sc. Ed students in English, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi. Other courses offered by the department are a course on Film Studies for the B.A. B.Ed students and one on Indian Constitution and Human Rights for B.A. Ed / B.A. B.Ed, B.Sc. B.Ed. and M.Sc. Ed students. 

In addition to the spacious, well-ventilated classrooms for the day to day instruction, the department is equipped with two special facilities provided by NCERT namely, the Language Laboratory and the Geography Lab. 

The Department of Education in Social Sciences and Humanities has been taking up different academic programmes like Conferences, Seminars, Training progammes at the International, National and Regional level periodically. Some of the notable ones conducted in the last few years are as follows: 


A Diploma in English and English Language Teaching was conducted for 39 students from The Republic of Afganistan for a period of 20 months during the academic years 2009 – 2011 by the English Faculty of the department under the leadership of Prof. Prema Raghavan and co-ordinated by Dr. V. Prasad. 


A Translation programme of NCERT text books of 9th and 10th standard Social Sciences was taken up by the department at the request of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. About eight text books for the Social Science courses were translated into Telugu and Tamil under the able co-ordinatorship of Dr. P. R. Harinath and Prof. P. Veerappan in the years 2004 and 2011. In 2012 a Workshop to Review the translated books was attended by the co-ordinators of the program at Port Blair.


1. A three day National Conference on Language Across Curriculum in Multi-Linguistic Context: Scope and Challenges was conducted by the department from 29th to 31st January 2018. Nearly 120 delegates from all over India participated in the conference. Some of the notable scholars in the field who delivered the Keynote address were Prof. E. Sathyanarayana, Vice-Chancellor, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh; Prof. G. Gopinathan, Former Vice Chancellor, MGAHV, Wardha; Prof. N. Manu Chakravarthy, Former Head, Dept. of English, NMKRV College, Bengaluru; Prof. Chamanlal, Former HOD CIL, SLL & CS JNU, New Delhi. 

2. A three day National Conference on Emerging Themes and Trends in Teaching of English in Schools was held between December 6-9, 2017 at RIE, Mysuru. 96 Papers were presented in the Conference by Academicians, Teachers, Teacher Educators and Researchers. Prominent ELT experts Dr. N .S. Prabhu, Prof. Paul Gunasekhar and Prof. Amy Lightfoot delivered the keynote speeches in the Plenary Sessions. Other academician like Prof. Rajagopal, Prof. Sandhya Sahoo, Prof. Varada Nikalje and Prof. Prema Raghavan had been part of the Conference.


3. A five day Workshop for Training Secondary Teachers of English in the use of Language Lab and ICT Based Learning Material of the Southern States was held from September 11 to 15, 2017 for training 40 Key Resource Persons from Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telengana, Lakshadweep and Pondichery. Notable Resource Persons for the Workshop were Prof. G. Rajagopal, Former Dean, School of English Language Education, EFLU, Hyderabad; Prof. Prema Raghavan, Former HOD, DESSH, RIE, Mysuru; Dr. Premanand, Associate Professor, Department of English, Malabar Christian College, Calicut; Dr. K. J. Verghese, Associate Professor, Department of English, Christ College, Iringalakkuda, Trissur, Kerala; Dr. Jessa. M., Associate Professor, Department of English,Ferook Training College, Ferook, Kerala; Dr. K. P. Meera, Professor, Department of Education, University of Calicut, Thenjippalam, Kerala.


The department has had the great fortune of having luminaries in the field of Literature and Arts as the esteemed faculty like Prof. U. R. Ananthamurthy, Prof. S. L. Bhyrappa, Prof. Rajeev Taranath, Prof. K.P. Sankaran among many others. 


The department has produced great Teachers, Teacher-trainers, Academicians, Administrators, Writers and Theatre Personalities. The alumni of the department have made a mark in the field of Education as well as other fields in the country and abroad.

Faculty of Department of Education in Social Science and Humanities (DESSH) - click here