Dr. V.S.Prasad
Professor & Head, I/C Mathematics Section
Mathematics Section
Mathematics department runs PG as well as UG courses in Mathematics namely, BSc.BEd.-PCM and MSc.Ed.-Mathematics. Currently the department has two permanent faculties, two contractual faculties and one guest faculty. All relevant Mathematics books (both UG and PG) are available in the institute library. Department conducts several in-service training programmes catering to the needs of all southern states with respect to Mathematics. In the last three years department has conducted one National Conference on Mathematics teaching (21st - 22nd December, 2015) and brought out the proceedings successfully. The department has also conducted 5 PAC programmes and several content enrichment programmes for senior secondary teachers of JNVs and Andhra Pradesh schools. Department has a Mathematics laboratory which helps in conducting activities for teaching of Mathematics. The department is also active in research in Mathematics as well as Mathematics Education and has produced 8 research articles in reputed national and international journals. The faculty members are actively involved in the internship programmes for both PG and UG and help the students in improving their teaching abilities.
About Mathematics Laboratory
Mathematics department has a well-equipped Mathematics laboratory. It contains several teaching models both working and stationary. Also the department develops and preserves several charts on vivid areas of Mathematics such as Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry and Statistics at both secondary and senior secondary school levels. Several posters on Indian mathematicians and their contributions are displayed in the laboratory for the benefit of student teachers. It also has Mathematics kits both at upper primary and secondary level developed by NCERT. There are about 12 Geometry boxes available in the laboratory for using them during micro/macro teaching as well as internship. A mini library has been set up for the benefit of students which has school textbooks, general Mathematics books, laboratory manuals, Mathematics puzzle books, several programme reports, resource materials, student project reports etc.