Proposed Strategies

1. Education as one of the electives will be introduced at undergraduate and post graduate levels in order to give a wider scope and flexibility in the professional choice of the students.

2. Besides the existing two, four, six-year teacher education programmes offered by RIEM, innovative Teacher Education

programmes which are interdisciplinary and integrated in nature will be planned. Multiculturalism will be the underlying thread in all innovative teacher education programmes.

3. Extension of teacher education programmes to other professional disciplines such as engineering, medicine, commerce,

agriculture, industry and technology in order to develop pedagogical and andragogic competencies in those fields.

4. To develop networking and co-ordination between the teacher education institutions and university departments of

education through collaborative research projects and consultative services.

5. Handholding of state universities in designing and structuring their teacher education programmes.

6. The in-service training programmes will focus not only on enrichment of content and pedagogic competencies, but also

empower the teachers with the skills and competencies of designing curriculum, text book writing and in conducting action research projects.

The other measures that have been envisaged to achieve the objectives of IUCTE are as follows:


• Need assessment – through surveys and interviews

• Short-term orientation and refresher courses, training programmes of 21 to 45 days duration with field experience

and on the job training following teleconferencing, online transaction, Face-to-Face Interaction modes.


• Seminars, symposiums, workshops, Regional/National/International conferences.


• Entering into MoUs with other important National/International organizations and conduct of Post-Doctoral

Research Programmes.