The Department is the central axis of the Institute, as it provides professional educational inputs and practices to all the pre-service teacher education programmes such as 4-year BSc.B.Ed, BA.B.Ed, and 6-year MSc.B.Ed integrated , 2-year B.Ed and the 2-year M.Ed programme of the Institute. The faculties of the department are specialized in various educational areas such as Philosophy of Education, Psychology of Education, Sociology of Education, Educational technology and ICT, Health and Physical Education, Population Education, curriculum studies, Assessment and Evaluation, Programme planning, implementation and evaluation, Teacher Education, Inclusive Education, pedagogy of Physical Science, Biological Science, Mathematics. English, and Social Science.

Dr. Anil Kumar K
Prof. & Head, Department of Education
The Department also runs a Diploma course in Guidance and Counselling which is popularly known as DCGC of one year duration. This course is a blend of both distance and face-to-face mode aiming to train in-service teachers, teacher educators and untrained guidance personnel as counselors/teacher counselors to guide and counsel students in school and other related settings. The teachers who are in service at State Government schools, Kendriya Vidyalayas and JNVs are usually the stakeholders of this course. The course is transacted through lectures, full fledged field experiences ,case study activities and materials which are in the module form. During the course, a career day exhibition is also organized by the in-service teachers in the local schools as hands-on experience to the secondary and higher secondary level students.The department organizes school attachment and internship programmes for the integrated BSc.B.Ed/BA.B.Ed/MSc.Ed and for 2-year B.Ed programme in local schools as well as in JNVs of various States in the southern region. The department has evolved necessary pedagogic tools in the form of lesson plan formats in different pedagogic areas, evaluation and observation profiles that can be used for teaching and assessment during internship. These are periodically revised towards quality improvement. The department is primarily engaged in organizing in-service teacher training programmes through PAC for educational functionaries at various levels in the region. The department also undertakes major responsibilities in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of centrally sponsored programmes , SSA and RMSA activities.Several individual, regional and national level research projects are undertaken by the faculty in the areas of educational concerns and issues. Researches are also conducted to study the impact of some of the centrally sponsored projects in the Stats and the regions in school education and teacher education.Most of the faculty members in the Department are recognized by the University of Mysore for guiding Doctoral research leading to Ph.D. in Education. There are full time research students with fellowships of UGC,ICSSR and other agencies and part time research students without fellowship as well. Currently, there are 35 research scholars who are pursuing for their Ph.D in Education in various areas. The research areas that are generally pursued under the supervision of faculty - research Guides are: Teacher Education, Science Education, Mathematics Education . Language Education, Guidance & counselling, Tribal education, Social Science Education, ICT integration, Constructivism, Educational psychology , value education, Educational leadership and so on. There are nearly 100 research students who have been awarded with doctorate degree in Education under the guidance of various faculty members in the department.
The Department of Education has the following sections under which various activities take place.